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Diabetes Breakthrough:

The Key to Insulin Resistance

September, 2019


Saturated fats are the missing problem in diabetes.

Did you know that saturated fat excesses

kill off our insulin-making beta cells?

Less saturated fat is the way to lower insulin resistance.

This is the key to keeping blood sugar low and

reversing diabetes. I will give you a plan to beat diabetes.


My hope is that this book helps you as much

as it has helped those we have worked with,

Steve Blake, author.

$9.95 to download the entire 162 page book

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Parkinson's DIsease, Dietary Regulation of Dopamine by Steve Blake back cover.



Please see below for the table of contents and Introduction.


Neuroscience nutrition foundation


Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Table of Figures

Part I: How Saturated Fats Influence Diabetes

Chapter 1: What is type 2 diabetes?

Types of diabetes

Do drugs protect people with diabetes?

Developing type  diabetes

To reverse type  diabetes

What is insulin?

Antioxidants and glycation

Slow carbohydrates

Diabetes diagnosis

Liver production of blood sugar

Signs of diabetes

Chapter 2: Complications of diabetes

Low blood sugar


High blood fats, dyslipidemia

Diabetic retinopathy

Kidney damage in diabetes

Nerve pain and sensations, polyneuropathy


Diabetes and cancer

Alzheimer's disease and diabetes

Chapter 3: Saturated fat creates insulin resistance

Liver insensitivity to insulin

Saturated fats

The worst sat fats

We can make sat fat from excess calories

Sat fats reduce insulin receptors

Saturated fats and energy production in the mitochondria

Sat Fats, inflammation, and insulin resistance

Risk of diabetes on different diets

Chapter 4: How glucose gets into cells

What insulin does

Glucagon puts sugar into the bloodstream

How the liver makes blood sugar

How glucose gets into cells

Summarizing the steps

How excess sat fats block glucose

Dietary sources of sat fat

Chapter 5: Strategies to help diabetes

Vitamin D may reduce blood sugar

Chromium helps reduce blood sugar

Heme iron from meat and diabetes

Medical plants that reduce blood sugar

Chapter 6: Protecting our beta cells

When beta cells cannot detect high glucose

Beta cells and palmitic acid

Even type  diabetes can be eased

Obesity and diabetes

Excessive sugar, diabetes and heart disease

Chapter 7: Studies that reverse diabetes

The Majuro Study

Dr. Barnard's Diabetes Reversal

Reversing diabetes with very low sat fats

Part II: The Plan for Reversing Diabetes

Chapter 8: Carbohydrates and diabetes

Minimize refined carbohydrates

Maximize whole plant carbohydrates

Eat food with a low glycemic Load

A high fiber diet is perfect for diabetes

Chapter 9: Less fat and better fat

Avoid excess saturated fats

Dairy products without the dairy

Avoid all trans fats

Get enough omega- fatty acids

Adding flax to boost EPA

More inflammation with arachidonic acid

Fish oil for omega-s

Contamination of fish oil

Rancid fish oil

Chapter 10: Plant antioxidants

Diets high and low in antioxidants

Antioxidants that we make in our bodies

Chapter 11: Damaging dietary pollutants

Hormones in food

Heavy metals in food

Cooked fats

Oxidized cholesterol

Advanced glycation endproducts


Chapter 12: Exercise and fitness

Chapter 13: Reverse Diabetes in two weeks


Reference Citations



Table of Figures

Increase in Type 2 Diabetes

Structure of dangerous saturated fatty acids

Diet patterns and incidence of diabetes

How glucose gets into the cell

How excess sat fats keep glucose in the blood

Sources of excess sat fat in an American diet

Majuro study changes in  weeks

Majuro study reduction in medications

Dr. Barnard's trial reduction in glucose and cholesterol

Reduction in blood sugar in one week

Graph of blood sugar with fast and slow carbohydrates

Glycemic load chart of fruit

Reducing diabetes risk with fruit and berries

Saturated fat in common foods

Meat alternatives

Adding flax powder improves diets

Antioxidant content of diets (red = deficiency)

Acrylamides in different foods



There is a breakthrough in treating diabetes. For too long,

we have been looking only at how sugar gets into the blood.

Now, we need to look closer at how sugar gets out of the blood.

Sugar has a hard time getting out of the blood

if there is too little insulin or when there is insulin resistance.

Dietitians and doctors need to learn to treat insulin resistance.

The clinical studies are clear: we can reduce insulin resistance

to clear the blood of excess sugar. This can only be done

with adjustments to the diet. We need to take

charge of our health and make the changes that will reverse diabetes.

What is really wonderful about diabetes is that it can be

reversed in some cases. Reversal is what this book is about.

The American Diabetes Association, many registered dietitians,

and many doctors who treat diabetes are going to counsel

you to restrict sugars and fast-releasing carbohydrates.

If you are thinking that this is somehow going to make

diabetes go away, it doesn't work. Diabetes is not going to be

reversed with normal medical treatment; it stays the same or it gets worse.

Insulin resistance is created by a constant stream of excess saturated fats.

These excess saturated fats also have a prominent role in killing off the

beta cells that make insulin in our bodies. Even worse, the

insulin resistance causes the liver to produce blood sugar,

even when it is already high. These concepts are a breakthrough

in understanding type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is defined by insulin resistance and the animal fats that create it.


"Very quickly I started to feel better. The cramps in my

legs disappeared and I no longer had get up during the

night to go to the bathroom. My sugars kept dropping

and are now normal without any medication.

My last lab tests show that I am no longer diabetic.

People can hardly believe what has happened to me"
